Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

Intensive Management Urgency Cash Waqf (Endowments Cash / Waqf al-nuqud) and Massive Attack on Poverty.

Poverty , to this day , remains a fundamental problematics that must be faced by Indonesia . Based on data from Indonesian Revival Team , the poverty rate increased from 16 percent in February 2005 to 18.7 per cent in July 2005 to 22 percent by March 2006 . This fact suggests that the nation seems to have not fully ' independent ' of poverty . The government itself , as revealed Boediono , budgeted Rp 46 trillion in 2007 to create jobs .

The government is still seen giddy with efforts to alleviate poverty . Various steps taken are patchy. On the one hand , the government has not been able to break away from interest -based foreign debt , so the debt becomes one of the main sources of financing the state budget . Various methods are used to overcome this problem , among others, through the JPS ( Social Safety Net ) as well as donations from home and abroad . The government itself seems to be quite difficult to solve this problem due to the limited funds available in the budget . Moreover given the Foreign Loans ( PLN), Indonesia is very large , then the alternative PLN to tackle the problem becomes less considered.

There have been many solutions offered by practitioners and academics of Islamic economics . The solution such as through the issuance of sukuk . Although sukuk itself is essentially similar to the debt , but it has a different shape with conventional debt . Sukuk assets and projects must be based on the real sector , while conventional debt not require it . On the contrary , the law prohibits the government issued government securities based assets . Thus, sukuk can provide more benefits in job creation because the funds will be merged actually used in the real sector and can not be used for speculation in the currency market . Alternative solution must begin our campaign for a more intensive is digging a source of funds development through cash waqf . This is exactly the ' giant ' that if it rose , the national economy will soon be writhing and freeing himself from the shackles of global capitalism .

Waqf administration in the form of cash is something that can be cultivated or rotated for the good and benefit of the people . The form can be cash , demand deposits, shares or securities . In accordance with the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council ( MUI ) dated 26 April 2002 that the cash waqf is Endowments Money ( Cash Waqf / Waqf al - nuqud ) is waqf made ​​a person, group of people , institutions or legal entities in the form of cash. Included in the definition of money is securities . Examples of cash waqf applications above are just a handful of the benefits that can be drawn from endowments . Cash Waqf itself has a large role in the economy of the country . As the instrument is still considered quite new in the constellation of the Indonesian economy , cash waqf has invited substantial positive feedback from some economists . Cash waqf can be an alternative way to remove the nation 's dependence on multilateral creditor institutions , stimulating economic growth in Indonesia. Optimization of endowments could be wider than charity because there is no qualification mustahiq ( 8 ashnaf zakat recipients ) . Waqf funds can be used for all kind of activities , including supporting the business sector for the poor . Donation is as it should be included in the positive law in Indonesia . In order to alleviate poverty , cash waqf is one very good alternative besides zakat .

Endowments as one Islamic institution that is closely related to the welfare of the people has long been institutionalized in Indonesia . Indonesia has extensive waqf land , but because from the beginning is not accompanied by legislation adequate , waqf land was not well developed , and often cause problems . At the time Priesterrad ( religious court ) was established , one of which is to solve the problem menjadiwewenangnya endowments . The Government has issued Government Regulation No. 28 Year 1977 on Land Owned donation . Government attention to the donation in Indonesia more clearly with the enactment of Law no. 7 of 1989 on Religious Courts . The law , in Chapter III of the Judicial Power to examine, decide and resolve matters between people who are Muslims are one of the donation .

Muslims in Indonesia have been familiar with the word waqf . However , such familiarity does not make them understand the truth about endowments . At this time paradigm Indonesian people about the meaning of waqf is still struggling on the problem of moving objects ( Fix Asset ) such as land , buildings of worship ( mosques and mushollah ) , madrasahs and cemetery . It is a reality that happened in Indonesia , particularly in remote areas and rural views are still fixated on old-fashioned paradigm and it should be changed from now on for the sake of the common welfare . Endowments leaving only the impression of being a buffer model for faith and keepers of cultural traditions and religious Muslims . We're not used to hearing endowments for road repairs , health maintenance endowments for the poor as well mengentaskannya of poverty , endowments for the means of art, culture and sports , or urgent issues such as endowments for research and development of science and technology .

Urgency productive implementation of cash waqf should be implemented immediately . Endowments as endowment has huge potential for empowering people empowerment than other instruments . When compared with the compulsory zakat and nisab has certain provisions , according to the law MUI cash waqf is jawaz ( allowed ) . If it Zakat diperuntuhkan only for groups " capable " , endowments can reach out to all groups , so there is no reason to degrade the opportunity to berwakaf .

In order for the benefits of waqf funds actually felt by the public , the distribution must meet the operational standards that can create the right processes , fast and reliable . Many hopes are hung from the implementation of the cash waqf . Like a sturdy building , need the participation of all elements and elements of both society and government to socialize the cash waqf . Government as a policy -making authority should be able to make regulations that have broad benefits , keeping in the absence of legislation governing the cash waqf . So also the participation of all elements of society , especially the clerics and religious teachers to change the paradigm of the public regarding the waqf is still confined to things like ground , mosque , madrasa or cemetery . Encouragement of Islamic banks and other Islamic financial institutions to intensify the movement as a movement of cash waqf national poverty reduction is an urgent step to be done .
All of it is important to immediately applied and followed terdistribusikannya given less equitable wealth and income . So that the concentration of wealth in certain groups does not occur . And will ultimately lead to common prosperity for all the people because basically Islam is perfect and a blessing for the entire universe .
